Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Free Indian Freq Settallite

The best game of the World: World of Warcraft

going to leave the 2 nd expansion and most anticipated of all time: "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King"
Why is WOW so addictive?
is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game) -> Massive Online Role
is the genre that seems, more wins today and generate more sales. WOW is amazing, there are 2 sides, the Alliance and Horde. Tu te make a character in one of the 2 sides of a race and a type of character. Then right in the beginning are worth nothing, but little by little each time you better and better, you better, do missions (those of the first expansion are amazing, super thought xD). Until they no longer think "What do I do?" First open the wow and then you say ... Ke And I feel like doing now? Ke is the game more hours required of all who have played, Final Fantasy is kedan far behind that of the 100 hours, this game requires much more intense xDDD about 3 months to reach the maximum level xD. The scenery is incredible and people are super xD wound the officer. Once you buy the game you get 2 months of playing online, then you pay 25 ke ke card will take another 2 months, less than 50 cents a day, if no play is a price to pay xDDD.


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