GateWay ExtremeHD
pekeño I'll make a note of the resolutions "normal" to ke most are accustomed. Surely
your desk I have a resolution between 800x600 and 1280x1024, this marks the number of pixels of width * height that is your monitor, so if the numbers are higher, more pixels and better definition will have what you are viewing k, this implies also I pull most of the computer and look better.
The movies that you download from the internet, if they are compressed in divx have a resolution of 640x480 like VHS + / -. Then came the
HD (High Definition or High Definition) with a resolution of 1280x720 at first, all these televisions k ke sell HD sets are of this resolution. After this resolution was overcome and was called to FullHD 1920x1080 , is the current user-level resolution greater than can be had.
But this invented next to GateWayExtremeHD and 101.65 2560x1600 ppi (pixels per inch) is the first time ke exceeding 100 ppi. Soon they will have better graphics monitors or televisions that real life ^ ^.
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